

Visste ni att fyra stycken rakblad kostar 172 kronor? FYRA små rakblad kostar nästan 200 kronor! Helt galet! Det är DYRT att var tjej nuförtiden!

Här får ni en kopia på min och Davids engelskahistoria där vi skulle använda så många engelska uttryck som möjligt. Vi skrev om Abigail, Gretchen, Bertha, Mary-Ann, Cruella och Trudy. En fin liten historia om ni frågar mig.

"The "Loving" Ladies"

A group of ladies are chatting on the front porch. Abigail has some interesting news to share with the rest of the group.
 -Did you hear about the Johnssons? Their son ran away with the stableboy!
The room filled up with frases like "Oh Boy", "My Dear" and "For the love of God"But Gretchen simply said
-Well, birds of a feather flock together, that´s what I've always said.
-What on earth do you mean? said Bertha. Gretchen folded her hands in her lap and said
-Well, didn't you hear about his aunt from Sussex? Ran away with the local innkeeper she did! All that I wish to say is that you sometimes toe the line of your relatives.
-His poor parents must be on tenterhooks for news from him, said Mary-Ann.
-Well, at least they've learned that life isn't all beer and skittles, said Gretchen.
-Don't put on airs Gretchen! We all know about your past, said Cruella.
-Oh, don't you two start again, cried Mary-Ann, I know that you don't get along like a house on fire but please don't make a mountain out of a molehill!
-Easy as a pie for you to say, snapped Cruella at her.
-That's what you get when you pay out of your nose, added Gretchen.
-Oh, just because you are dry as dust! Don't blame me and don't bite off more than you can chew old lady! said Mary-Ann.
-Silence! The buck stops here! I bring home the bacon in this household! You shush!, shouted Abigail.
-I tried to make this a nice and quiet chitchat about the awful Johnsson-boy but you just turned it around and started fighting, as always! Abigail Shouted. Then they heard a loud whistle..
-Oh, the tea is ready, said Trudy, who had fallen asleep during the argument, and they all went inside to enjoy their afternoon tea.
The End
Written by: Matilda Larsson and David Beskow

Postat av: farmor Barbro

oj oj det blev för jobbigt att översätta, men det är säkert bra skrivet. jag får göra ett nytt försök vid ett annat tillfälle. kram på dig.

2013-05-16 @ 00:27:36

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